Learn More About M-Pel

The Minnesota Public Employees' Long Term Care Insurance Plan is provided for under Minnesota Statutes §43A.318 and is sponsored by the Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB).

When launched in 2000, M-Pel garnered national publicity when it experienced the largest initial enrollment of any public employer-sponsored long term care insurance plan.

M-Pel is fully insured by Continental Casualty Company, one of the CNA Insurance Companies.
Because it is portable, the benefits under M-Pel are exempted from collective bargaining.

By law, CNA must pay M-Pel ’s overhead expenses, so the plan does not cost taxpayers anything to administer.

For questions regarding administration of M-Pel, contact Minnesota Management & Budget at 651-355-0100 or send an email to segip.mmb@state.mn.us.


Following the initial enrollment campaign for employees in October/November 2000, over 11,000 persons enrolled, 75% of which were employees, 22% spouses, and


3% parents of employees.

All together, over 18% of the 61,000 eligible state employees in 2000 either purchased coverage for themselves or for their spouses or parents. This represented the largest initial employee enrollment of any public employer-sponsored group long-term care insurance plan, up to that time.

July 1996 Chapter 384, section 8 of 1996 Laws of Minnesota enacted, requiring the Minnesota Department of Employee Relations (DOER) to study the feasibility of offering group long-term care insurance. At the same time, the Minnesota Department of Human Services begins Project 2030 to help Minnesotans prepare for the impacts of the aging population.
Jan. 1996 DOER begins working with advisory committee and consultant to develop plan design.
May 1999 Enabling law, Minnesota Statutes §43A.318, enacted.
May 2000 DOER selects CNA from a field of 12 insurers to underwrite the plan.
Oct. 1 - Nov. 1 2000 DOER conducts initial enrollment for employees.

May 2001 Enabling law amended to include retirees and their spouses.
Oct. 2001 DOER starts enrollment of retirees and spouses in new retiree plan.
July 2004 Existing enrollees offered chance to buy additional inflation protection.
May 2005 DOER issues RFI to test market. Decides to stay with CNA.
June 2006 Second open enrollment held for employees.
June 2008 MN Department of Commerce approved some of the plan options of the M-Pel plan as being qualified for the Minnesota Long Term Care Partnership.
Sept. 2008 Existing enrollees offered chance to buy additional inflation protection.
Dec. 2008 All currently insured participants in the M-Pel plan who already had coverage that qualified for the MN Long Term Care Partnership were notified by mail of the qualification.
May 2010 Third open enrollment held for employees.

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